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Summer schools are sometimes dismissed as money-spinning playgrounds for rich overseas students. But with academic life increasingly characterised by heavy workloads and regulation, faculty should cherish the freedom they offer to deliver truly excellent learning experiences, says James Gazzard

Editor's pick

A new government interested in solutions not dogma should be fertile ground for those with ideas to sow ¨C but there will be limits on blue-sky thinking

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  • Pittsburgh, PA, United States

    Amplify institutional identity in a digital-first world

    This is a dedicated forum for higher education professionals in marketing, communications, and student recruitment to unite in sharing best practice strategies that amplify institutional identities in a digital-first world.  Join us to discuss the most common challenges in marketing, communications, branding and recruitment.

    In Partnership with
  • University Impact Forum: Climate Action 2024

    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Prioritising climate action on the global higher education agenda

    This dynamic forum, held ahead of COP29, will focus on SGD 13 for climate action, and how universities must play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of these cohorts by making climate action a core institutional objective. Join us to expand your network of colleagues who share the ambitions for expedited climate action.

    In Partnership with
    In partnership with
  • Cairo, Egypt

    Innovation for sustainable digital higher education

    Digital Universities Arab World will consider the future of hybrid and online learning in the Arab region, examine how AI is impacting universities and how they should develop their governance and assess how universities should respond to technological advancements in post university life.

    In Partnership with
    In partnership with