Arab University Rankings 2023

The Times Higher Education Arab University Rankings 2023 reveal the strength of higher education across the Arab region. The methodology is based on the same framework as our World University Rankings, but some adjustments have been made and some new metrics have been included to reflect the features and missions of universities in the Middle East and North Africa.

Universities are judged across all their core missions?¨C teaching, research, society and international outlook ¨C to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available.

This third edition of the rankings introduces significant updates to the original methodology, in line with the changes made to the World University Rankings methodology this year.?Some changes to institutions¡¯ scores will be influenced by these methodological changes and we would advise noting that when making comparisons with previous years¡¯ results.

Read the Arab University Rankings 2023 methodology

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia leads the ranking for the first time this year, climbing up from second spot. The United Arab Emirates¡¯ Khalifa University ranks second.

Universities in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates dominate the top 10, with the sole exception of Qatar University, which places third.

Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait, Tunisia and Oman have also all achieved top-50 positions, while Algeria, Palestine and Bahrain appear in the top 100.

Overall, Egypt is the most-represented nation with 37 institutions, followed by Algeria with 35. Iraq and Saudi Arabia have 32 universities each. A total of 15 countries are represented across the league table.

The third edition of the Arab University Rankings features 207 ranked institutions ¨C 22 per cent higher than the tally for last year.

An additional 106 institutions are listed with ¡°reporter¡± status, meaning that they provided data but did not meet our eligibility criteria to receive a rank.

Read our analysis of the Arab University Rankings 2023 results

Download a copy of the Arab University Rankings 2023 digital report

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